Google+ invite. Want?



thanks you a number of kind souls (see them in my “thank you for the Google+ invite” circle) [EDIT no one other than yourself can see your circles…..], I finally got my invitation.

Now if you want an invitation from me, then start by Liking my articles and posting them onto your facebook profile 10x… no just kidding.

Just leave me your email and thanks in the comments section.

Know this, just because you receive an invitation doesn’t guarantee you’ll get in on first try. Have patience i.e. keep trying non-stop Open-mouthed smile. Sign yourself out and sign back in and try again and eventually it’ll work.

or if you don’t want to sign out then you could try typing in “” no quotes.

Don’t for get to grab the Android app (you’ll need Market Enabler if it’s not in your App Market, need rooted phone). Google+ for iPhone should be available soon.

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