OFFICIAL HTC One X MIUI 2.5.18 – download mirror (+ quick setup walkthrough guide) [UPDATED]

OFFICIAL HTC One X MIUI 2.5.18 – download mirror (+ quick setup walkthrough guide) [UPDATED]


one x miui

If like me, you kept getting disconnected while downloading and have not yet successfully downloaded the ROM yet, do so here.


[UPDATE] have now created a mirror for the (UK) version, which is made for international users with most chinese elements removed. The original MIUI ROM does have English (instructions below)  but still has a few Chinese ui creeping up here and there.


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If you flashed the ROM first, it’s ok to just flash the version on top. Clear cache and dalvik and it should all work without a hitch. At least it does on my One X. [/UPDATE]

Official ROM link:

Mirror (GDrive; boot.img inside package):

Official ROM link:


Fastboot drivers (in case you run into fastboot issues):

MD5 checksum for ROM (taken from official link above): 1f858c4a6a8b561a42671dba57a14139

MD5 checksum for ROM87a5af62856a8b1a974851f03bfca6be

MD5 checker tool:;1

NOTE: the default language is Simplified Chinese but if you just follow these steps you’ll have English/other languages in no time:

Once the phone boots, tap the familiar looking Cog icon, bottom left on your Home screen (not dock)

there are now 2 tabs, click the right hand tab to display ALL settings

Scroll down to the 17th line (with the “A” icon)

Tap the first line and voila, options, options options.

Tap the Shopping bag icon (which is still in Chinese), and from there you can install the common google packages like Play store, Talk, Maps etc.


Now thank me if this helped you, and be sure to pass this on so others can get their copy.


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