翻譯: RW 評測: yellowchilli 我要求試用黑色款式是有特別原因的,但我沒有想過要做墜落測試,又就連無傷大雅的劃痕測試都沒有想過。 試用黑色款式是為了看看它測試它承受實物的磨損程度,例如油漆會不會很容易脫落,或者我應該向讀者推薦哪款手機。但我完全沒有想過的是:這個銀色款式 —— 明顯是原裝的鋁金屬色 —— 將會越來越走樣(我的情況是短短一秒就走樣了)。 可惜的是,意外周不時都會發生,我在歸還測試手機前,我將不慎將手機從胸部的水平跌落地。唉。 註:我絕對推薦更加更加耐看耐用的銀色款式。自己看原因吧﹗但是,黑色款式經過 7 日的磨損後仍然絲毫無損。 如果對此類測試有興趣,不妨閱讀這些更誇張的墜落測試:
Continue Reading....Author: Eric Wong
HTC One hands-on
This is not just HTC’s 2013 effort. But rather the culmination of years of hard work and experience in adding value through software (Sense UI), and sculpting beautiful pieces of hardware (aluminium unibody) that otherwise only Apple can.The HTC One. Now that’s what we call progress- note the One…
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While Google dropped a bomb on everyone when they announced that they’ll stop supporting Exchange and other protocols for synchronising their Calendar and Contacts, Blackberry Z10 early adopters would likely have gone through more trouble than usual since the phone’s release straddled the Google Calendar and Contacts cutoff date.…
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Blackberry Z10. Being mistaken for an iPhone 5 since 2013. Verdict: BUY.The Blackberry Z10, armed with the new QNX OS is ready to take over the world again by flaring up the fairly new gesture trend. And of course, by doing what they do best: making messaging pleasurable. pleasing design,…
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This method isn’t anything new. But rather I want to add to the collective voices that it really does work. Feel cheated? Macbook not lasting as advertised? Or could it be that the battery is on its last leg?Before you go off and get a battery replacement by your…
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One word: impressive. Nokia N9 users will feel right at home here as the OS is heavily gesture-based in lieu of any physical buttons. Those who have never experienced gesture OSs before might find BB 10 QNX fiddly to begin with but will hopefully see the underlying practical applications.…
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For those who have managed to wrap their heads around Windows 8’s replaced new Start menu, well done and I hope you’re enjoying it- I know I am. But for many, it remains an object of hate and inconvenience… though possibly mostly those who chose to believe in what…
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