This article was originally published on SCMP. The annual E3 just ended with a bang. If Doom, Final Fantasy 7, Shenmue, ICO, Fallout, Need For Speed means anything to you at all then join the droves of rabid gamers and fanboys across the globe in their screams of joy. Some…
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PS Vita play time marathon 2: 5520mAh.
If you’ve not read my original article talking about my 10-hour PS Vita, here it is: A YCPTech reader certainly read it, however, and decided he would join the fun and get his PS Vita 2000 modded to the max. I’ve stated and he understood that the road to such…
Continue Reading....採訪:香港動漫電玩節2014和索尼電腦娛樂香港
YCPTech與索尼電腦娛樂香港Jacqueline Chiu(SCEH)談論香港動漫電玩節2014。 你好!可否簡單介紹你自己? 我叫Jacqueline,屬SCEH(Sony Computers Entertainment Hong Kong Limited)香港及東南亞區的通訊事務副總經理。 你可否談談為何Sony(索尼)今年退出參與亞洲遊戲展而轉戰香港動漫電玩節? 剛過去的發佈會(7月8日)我們公佈了大量優惠,包括購買PS4主機及PS Vita主機的優惠,也包括了大量製作人活動及超過30款遊戲免費試玩等詳情。我們計劃在未來兩星期會有更多優惠陸續發放,詳情會於我們的官網及Facebook 「PlayStation HK」fans page公佈。參加動漫節因為入場人士與遊戲展(AGS)有所不同,可以讓SCEH接觸不同的消費群,開拓新客源;我們集中資源,將最好的優惠及活動內容帶到動漫節,因為我們取消參加去年的AGS,我們有信心今次參加動漫節,銷量額會較AGS(遊戲展)增加兩成。 那我非去不可!在你預期中,香港動漫節及亞洲遊戲展的分別在哪裡? 預計入場人士會較年輕,也會有較多因為動漫角色而對我們遊戲產生興趣的動漫迷。PlayStation作為日本遊戲公司,有大量日系遊戲例如初音、高達、海賊王、Final Fantasy、閃之軌跡等動漫迷最愛的類型,將會非常適合參加喜愛動漫的人士。 看你說法,似乎索尼將不再參與亞洲遊戲展,對嗎? 我們暫時沒有計劃參加今年的AGS。 可否簡單介紹下SCEH於當日的節目流程?例如有什麼東西入場觀眾是非看不可? 購物優惠方面,現場購買PS4($3,380起),最高可獲贈達$3,380的禮品 (包括首20名可獲O2無線耳機($768)、首100名可獲價值高達$1000之PlayStation福袋等)購買PS Vita主機($1418) 亦有機會獲贈價值$1700的禮品。優惠只限動漫節。 詳情: 活動方面,6位日本製作人將會首次到港,包括《BIOHAZARD》之父三上真司到PlayStation舞台宣傳新作《The Evil Within》,及ONE PIECE、NARUTO等遊戲製作人。本地網絡紅人(Online Influencer/ YouTuber)包括達哥(Tat Gor)、Bomba、Eminleo、杜小喬將會出席PlayStation活動。 詳情: 這聽起來不可思議.. 藝人兼PlayStation大使王敏奕(Venus Wong)將會於首天到會場玩遊戲,每日均會有名人藝人出席PlayStation活動。日本格鬥遊戲之神DAIGO將會到港與現場人士比賽,勝出者可獲得「PlayStation終極禮品包」 – 包括PS4主機、PS3主機、PS Vita主機及Mad Catz禮品。數量不限! 那我嘗嘗一下我的運氣也好。 活動方面,6位日本製作人將會首次到港,包括《BIOHAZARD》之父三上真司到PlayStation舞台宣傳新作《The Evil Within》,及ONE PIECE、NARUTO等遊戲製作人。 似乎SCEH將會施展渾身解數。那遊戲方面如何?可否提供一些詳細資料? 今年Sony 首次參展,帶來30款遊戲免費試玩,當中有13款為未推出的遊戲,機迷可以比Tokyo…
Continue Reading....Interview: ACGHK 2014 and Sony Entertainment Hong Kong
YCPTech sits down with Jacqueline Chiu of Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong (SCEH) to talk about Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong 2014 (ACGHK). Hi! Can you tell us who you are and what you do? I’m Jacqueline and I’m the Assistant General Manager of Communications for Hong Kong and South East Asia. …
Continue Reading....[XBOX 360] Guide to getting Unicorn cars without losing money, tunes, designs and cars on Forza Motorsport 4
Ferrari F430 Scuderia, one of the three rare unicorns that you can obtain through importing FM3’s VIP car pack It is quite surprising that even after a year and a half from Forza Motorsport 4’s inception, I still hear questions on how to obtain the Unicorn cars from the Forza…
Continue Reading....Simple fix for 3DS’s “Could not access sd card during the last attempt to use Spotpass…”
“…please make sure your SD Card isn’t full or write-protected.” Well this is one weird problem I encountered after transferring my system data from the Nintendo 3DS to the Nintendo 3DS XL (after the built-in transfer process, I manually moved everything from the old card to the new card via…
Continue Reading....How to solve the EA games “server error 5002” wtf [UPDATED with download link]
So I thought I’d load up Need For Speed Hot Pursuit one day, after having finished configuring my new HTC One X. But then “server error 5002” happened! After a brief conversation with EA technical support (there is no official Android support section but I was redirected after a live…
Continue Reading....Playstation Vita HK release date
So PS Vita is getting a release ahead of Europe and America. Joy. Finally something that doesn’t get released in hk two years after it does everywhere else in the world. Enjoy the pics. More details further down the post. Peripherals: …
Continue Reading....Singularity- underrated awesomeness
Set fire and THEN age your enemies to death (but not before slowing down time to a crawl)?? Only in Singularity. Singularity is one of those rare games that just has enough to keep me playing all the way from start to finish. I have lots of games. LOTS. And…
Continue Reading....Gran Turismo 5 detailed, gets a release date finally.
number of vehicles- over 1000 locations and courses: 20, with at least 70 variations also has 3D and ingame face-tracking featureprice- 7980 yen
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