早前你可能都响我地既facebook上已經見過我地app圖像既預覽圖。呢個app可以比大家製作一個圖像,令你可快速地去你一早指定既網頁;或立即撥出一個你指定人既電話號碼;彈出特定人仕既SMS或e-mail板面;甚至好似我地Yellowchilli個app咁,一按就能帶到你去我地個網頁。 我相信大家都已經期待已久,想快啲睇下如何製作吧!咁我地馬上向大家介紹! 開始之前,你先需要預備以下東西: 一幅圖,不用太大。若可以的話準備一張方形既圖,但不是必需; 從iTunes下載 iFavorite Pro app (HKD$15.00). iFavorite Pro可從iTunes app store下載 你下載及安裝好個iFavorite app後,啟動佢,之後按「Start」。 在第一個版面,你會見到有一系列既功能你可以設定。今次的教學裡,我地用「Open URL」呢個功能。其他功能的製作方面大同小異,所以你可以學左呢個功能後自己嘗試下製作其他功能的app。 你會响「Step 2」見到有兩項地方可以打入字句。於第一項先打入你個app的名稱(呢一項可於後期製作裡有多一次機會更改),之後於第二項打入你想開啟既網址,即URL。完成後請按「Next」。 呢一步就係你製作app圖像既地方。頭三個選項可比你加入的東西如有框架同公仔。iFavorites Pro提供左唔少選擇,你可以自己瀏覽一下,搵一個岩自己心水既套落個app圖像。今次製作教學,我地先揀以下呢個:按一下「Fx / Badge」,之後選擇第一行左面第二個既框架。若你想選擇其他Badges,可按頂部既「Badges」。 選擇好後,你會被帶返去Step 3。記唔記得之前你準備好既方形圖像呢?下一步我地就要把佢套入去。按第四個選項「Bg / Photo」,之後選擇「Photo Albums」,再按「Yes, I want to edit」。請留意,若你選擇「No, use it just as it is」,你既圖像會有機會變型,尤其會發生於唔係方形既圖。完成呢個步驟後,便會返回Step 3。 按一下「Create」iFavorite Pro會開啟Safari去完成第四個步驟。按畫面最底果行中間既按鈕,再選擇「Add to Home Screen」。 完成整個製作之前,呢度可以比多次機會你去改名。你仲可以加入一啲可愛公仔或emoticon去個人化個圖像,好讓你易於分別真app及自家製作的app圖像。完成後,於右上角按「Add」。呢個製作就完成喇! 於上面既圖你可見到我製作左多一個app圖像,好讓我可快速撥號,打比我太太。有左呢個圖像真係方便好多! 希望你鐘意呢個app及教學。若你覺得好用的話,歡迎傳開去比你啲朋友知! K.A.C.
Continue Reading....Category: ipad
[iPhone / iPad] How to create your own ‘app’ icon
You may have already seen our Yellowchilli app icon sneak peek earlier on our facebook. Cool, huh? That was created with a a cool app that allows you to create shortcuts to custom URLs; a quick tap on an ‘app’ icon that’d quickly make a phone call to any person…
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You’re looking for reasons to jailbreak or are bored and wondering what else there’s to do other than to steal pirate hardworking devs’ apps (please don’t..). Well look no further. But first let me just say that you have to be prepared to spend 99cents here. unless you’re…
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from the perspective of someone who’s only ever owned iPod touches and iPads up to the second generation- it’s dam spanking fast. Read on to find out how. feast your eyes on these comparison videos that I made. No numbers from synthetic benchmarks here, just plain old real-world…
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[update 11-06-2013] I ran into issues with ios7 beta where my newly registered device was not recognised. I tried a number of things e.g. activating via a different connection instead of iTunes, downgrading back down via DFU mode. The only thing that worked was to do a Shift+Update (or Option+Update)…
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I wanted to stay up to watch this. But as the keynote began at 2AM local time, I was already fast asleep.Before the announcement, one of the questions that could not be deduced was: other than the form factor, what exactly could be so special about this device? After all…
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